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Interested in learning more about pianos?
Here are some great places to start:

PTG.org - The official website for the Piano Technicians Guild, which hosts a wealth of information about the Guild and about pianos

Boulder Piano Gallery - This local shop offers a large variety of new and used pianos, and also hosts events and recitals

Piano Life Saver - Dampp-Chaser's humidity control system

Piano Technology at NBSS - My alma mater, Boston's North Bennet Street School, is the perfect place for aspiring technicians

Piano Buyer - A useful guide for those shopping for a piano

Antique Piano Shop - An extensive resource regarding piano brands, history, restoration, and more

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Jennifer H. Sipple, RPT
Longmont, CO
phone: 303.720.4178
e-mail: jen@jhsrpt.com
© 2015